A New Roof for Spring

  • 4 Signs Your Chimney Needs Professional Cleaning

    23 February 2023

    Hiring a chimney sweep is something that most people need to do occasionally. Unfortunately, you cannot just look in your chimney and tell whether or not it needs to be swept. However, the good news is that there are specific signs that you will see when you need to call in a professional to assist you. Here is a look at some of them. Creosote Buildup When there is creosote build-up in your chimney, you may find that even when you tidy your home, your house just doesn't smell as good as it should.

  • Roof Replacement: Points To Ponder

    15 February 2023

    You may have noticed that your roof looks old and unsightly and needs repairs more often than it used to. In that case, rather than spending even more money on an ever-increasing number of repairs or patch-up jobs, it's probably time to have a new roof installed. This article examines some key considerations any homeowner looking at a roof replacement needs to think about. Type of Roofing Material One of the most important things you will have to decide is what type of roofing material you want the contractor to install.

  • Why Get A Solar Panel Installation Done On Your Home?

    7 February 2023

    Is your home going to be your forever home or are you just wanting to make your home comfortable while you live there? Either way, look at where and how you live to decide if getting a solar panel installation may entirely make sense.  Your goal is to make the cost of living for yourself and your family as affordable as possible, which can be done by having a solar panel contractor come to your home and see how many solar panels you need and how much they will cost to put in.

  • About Residential Roof Care & Repairs

    31 January 2023

    Repairs can become necessary at any given time after a roof has been constructed, even if the highest quality materials were used during construction. The reason is that bad weather can cause destruction to a roof that is in any condition, although new roofs are more resistant to getting damaged. The only way to keep your roof in good shape is to make repairs when the need arises by paying attention when damage is present.

  • 5 Key Residential Roofing Repairs That Can Improve Energy Efficiency

    25 January 2023

    Your roof is the first line of defense between your home and the elements, so it's important to make sure that it's in top condition. Not only will a well-maintained roof protect your home from damage and keep leaks at bay, but with regular maintenance, you can also improve its energy efficiency. Making some key residential roofing repairs can help reduce air infiltration, lower heating and cooling costs, and improve insulation.

  • Roofing Systems That May Be Suitable For Your Low-Slope Commercial Building

    17 January 2023

    As a commercial property owner, you may find building a roof with a low slope financially favorable. This is due to the complexity of a sloped roof's construction and that it requires more material for its support's assembly. Additionally, a roof of this kind provides ample space to place elements like your HVAC unit, allowing it to vent effectively. You can also install solar panels on your low-slope roof for your building's energy production.

  • Guidelines To Protect The Roof On Your Business Premises This Cold Season

    6 January 2023

    One essential way to maintain your roof is through adequate preparation for the winter. Sadly, countless commercial building owners overlook the importance of preparing their buildings for the snowy season. Often, this comes from the assumption that the building is safe if they don't see anything visibly broken. However, if you want your commercial roof to withstand many seasons, you should think carefully about proper preparation and maintenance ahead of time.