A New Roof for Spring

  • Keeping Woodpeckers From Damaging Your Cedar Siding

    15 August 2016

    If you have a home with cedar siding, you most likely enjoy the attractiveness it gives to your home's appearance. If a woodpecker has been causing havoc by pecking holes in the cedar wood, you are undoubtedly upset about the damage it is causing to your investment. Here are some tips you can use to eliminate this action so woodpeckers do not cause future problems to your home. Eliminate Insects And Moisture In most cases, woodpeckers will peck at a wooden home because there are insects in the area they are trying to eat.

  • Winter Is Coming: Things You Can Do To Prepare Your Roof

    27 July 2016

    Winter may seem far away when you're enjoying your air conditioner in the summer, but it is bound to return every year. As a homeowner, you need to ensure that the roof of your home is stable and intact so that you don't have to worry about water leaks or other costly problems. Luckily, you can do the following to make your roof ready for the blast of cold weather to come.

  • To Vent Or Not To Vent: What Is Best For Your Home?

    19 July 2016

    Ventilation is said to be one of the most important additions to a home. Is this something you really do need? There are some pros and cons to venting, and some homes may not even require anything added in. Here's a look at the best venting options for your home. Get Air Into Enclosed Crawlspaces Crawlspaces are perfect areas for mold, mildew, and rot to develop. They are the foundations of the home and can become structurally weak due to the mold and rot problems.

  • Three Advantages Of Metal Roofing

    8 July 2016

    There are dozens of roofing materials to choose from, including but not limited to asphalt shingles, foam, slate, cedar shakes, clay tiles, concrete tiles, and metal panels. For many homeowners the method of choice for dealing with these options is simply going with the least expensive option. After all, if they all protect your home from the elements, then the least expensive option should be the best option. However, if you look past installation costs, you will get a better idea of how much you will spend on your roof over its service life.

  • Special Considerations When Choosing Roofing Materials For A National-Style Home

    28 June 2016

    National-style homes are small, simple structures that can nonetheless have a ton of charm with the right accents. One of the standout features of a National home is the roof, which can either be a steep-sloped gable or a pyramidal shape. Choosing the right roofing material for the roof can add more of that visual charm while also taking care of some practical considerations associated with the given roof type.

  • 3 Best Roofing Materials For A Shingle Home

    14 June 2016

    Shingle homes were an architectural style popular from 1880 to 1900, but elements of the style continue to appear on homes built today. The Shingle style blends multiple stories, and sometimes wings, with porches, balconies, dormers, and even towers. Topping everything off is either a single large hipped-style roof or a gable or two to top off wings of the home. The roof plays such an important role in the look of a shingle-style home that you wouldn't want to select a roofing material carelessly.

  • 7 Tips For Inspecting A Roof

    4 June 2016

    Your roof needs regular maintenance to keep it in good shape. Part of the maintenance involves periodic inspections. Ideally, you should inspect your roof once or twice a year. Also, check your roof after any major incidents, such as a hurricane or tornado. If you are unfamiliar with how to inspect your roofing, here are some tips. Take safety measures. While inspecting your roof, it is important that you practice safety precautions, such as ensuring your ladder is firmly level on the ground.